Data Poisoning: A Growing Threat to Generative AI

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Adversarial AI is a subset of cyberattacks that includes data poisoning. We refer to any activity aiming to impede the performance of AI/ML systems through deceit or manipulation as Adversarial ML or Adversarial AI.  

Data poisoning can be done in several ways: 

  • Purposely adding inaccurate or deceptive data to the training set. 
  • Changing the current data set. 
  • Removing some data from the dataset. 

The adversary can introduce biases, produce incorrect outputs, introduce vulnerabilities, or affect the model’s ability to make decisions or predict outcomes by manipulating the dataset during training. 

Symptoms of Data Poisoning

Since most AI models are dynamic, identifying instances in which hackers have compromised the dataset might be challenging. Adversaries frequently alter the data in subtle but effective ways that can go unnoticed. This is particularly true if the enemy is an insider with extensive knowledge of the organization’s security procedures, instruments, and safeguards. 

Perhaps the simplest way to identify a possible case of data poisoning is to keep in mind the main motivations of hackers  


  • Model Degradation – The model’s performance gets worse over time.
  • Unintended Outputs – Peculiar behavior and inadvertent outcomes are observed.
  • Increase in Fake Positives/ Negatives  – A sudden spike in problematic or incorrect decisions. There can be changes in the accuracy of the model.
  • Biased Results – There can be instances where the results are biased toward a particular group of people or direction.
  • Security Breaches – Companies can be the target of security breaches by altering security data.
  • Unusual Employee Activity – Workers exhibiting abnormal curiosity about comprehending the nuances of the training data and the security protocols implemented to safeguard it.

Types of Data Poisoning 

Attacks using data poisoning are usually categorized according to the goal of the assault. The following are the two most typical types of data poisoning: 

Targeted Data Poisoning Attacks: When an opponent attempts to influence the model’s behavior regarding a particular circumstance, we call this a targeted attack. For instance, cybercriminals could train a cybersecurity tool to incorrectly identify a specific file they plan to use in an upcoming attack or to ignore questionable behavior from a particular user. Although targeted attacks can have grave and far-reaching effects, they do not impair an AI model’s overall performance. 

Non-targeted Data Poisoning Attacks: When a cybercriminal modifies the dataset to adversely affect the model’s general performance, it is referred to as a non-targeted assault. For instance, the opponent might provide erroneous data, which would lower the model’s accuracy and have a detrimental effect on its capacity for prediction or decision-making. 

Examples of Data Poisoning Attacks

Now that researchers have identified the general categories of data poisoning assaults, let’s examine some particular strategies and methods that cybercriminals employ: 

Stealth Attacks

A stealth assault is a particularly covert type of data poisoning in which a malicious party gradually modifies the dataset or inserts compromising material to evade detection. The cumulative effect of this work may eventually cause biases in the model that affect the overall accuracy of the system. Even after a stealth attack is detected, it may be challenging to track it down through the training dataset since these attacks function “under the radar.” 

Backdoor Poisoning

Backdoor poisoning is the process of adding data to the training set with the goal of creating a vulnerability that will act as an attacker’s “backdoor” or point of access. Depending on the exact objectives of the attacker, backdoor poisoning can be either a targeted or non-targeted attack. 

Availability Attack

An availability attack is a type of cyberattack designed to contaminate data in a system or service, interrupting its availability. Adversaries use data poisoning as a tactic to alter data in ways that impair the targeted system’s functionality or performance. For example, they can cause the system to generate false positives or negatives, process requests inefficiently, or even crash. As a result, intended users find the system or program unreliable or unavailable. 

Model Inversion Attacks

An attack known as “model inversion” uses the model’s output, or answers, to rebuild the dataset or make assumptions about it or its input. Typically, an employee or another authorized system user serves as the adversary in this kind of assault because they require access to the model’s outputs. 

Impact of Data Poisoning on AI

It’s crucial to remember that threat actors can access new and potentially useful attack surfaces as companies create and employ new generative and classical AI tools. Many teams might unintentionally ignore or undervalue the security of their models while hastily testing the effectiveness of these new tools or utilizing them. Even when companies use private large language models (LLMs) that are only available internally, they must prioritize security. 

Furthermore, it’s critical to keep in mind that an adversarial AI assault, particularly data poisoning, can have far-reaching and protracted effects. The corrupted training data that the model employs renders the model’s output unreliable. 

Organizations must actively track the corruption and restore the dataset when they discover a breach. They need to conduct a thorough examination of the model’s training set and have the ability to delete and restore data. This process is often not feasible, and even when it is, it tends to be expensive and time-consuming. Occasionally, the organizations may have to retrain the model entirely, which typically demands significantly more time and resources. 

If an attack on an AI model is carried out without detection and compromises a crucial system, the results could be disastrous. Autonomous vehicles, for instance, rely on artificial intelligence (AI) systems to operate; if the training data is compromised, this could affect the vehicle’s ability to make decisions and result in accidents. In a similar vein, there is a great deal of danger associated with the application of AI in utility, banking, and healthcare systems. 

Best Practices Against Data Poisoning

Data Validation

The best protective tactic is prevention because it is very hard for companies to clean up and restore a corrupted dataset following a data poisoning attack. Advanced data validation and sanitization strategies should be employed by organizations to identify and eliminate suspicious or abnormal data points before their integration into the training set. 

Monitoring, Detection, and Auditing

For AI/ML systems to quickly identify and address possible threats, they must undergo continuous monitoring. Businesses ought to utilize cybersecurity technologies that provide endpoint security, intrusion detection, and continuous monitoring. To spot early warning indicators of performance decline or unexpected consequences, teams should also routinely review the models. 

You can also choose to integrate real-time data input and output monitoring into your AI/ML system. This involves constantly examining the data for any irregularities or abnormalities. By quickly spotting such inconsistencies, you can swiftly deploy security measures to protect and strengthen your systems against potential attacks. 

You can apply user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) to create a behavioral baseline for your machine-learning model, and you can also achieve this through continuous monitoring. This process makes it easier for you to identify unusual patterns of behavior in your models. 

Adversarial Training 

Some firms employ a defensive technique called adversarial training to proactively protect their models. They insert adversarial examples into the model’s training set to educate it on accurately characterizing these inputs as purposefully deceptive. 

Data Provenance

A thorough record of all data sources, updates, alterations, and access requests should be kept by organizations. These elements are very helpful in helping the business recover from a security event and identify the people involved, even though they won’t always help detect a data poisoning assault. 

Secure Data Handling

Implement strong, transparent access controls to limit who can access data, particularly sensitive data. Apply the computer security concept known as the principle of least privilege (POLP), which grants users restricted access rights based on the tasks required for their employment. 


A large section of your employees and stakeholders may be ignorant of data poisoning’s dangers and its warning signals. Educate and train people as part of your entire cybersecurity defense strategy to increase awareness. Teach your staff to spot questionable behavior or results from AI/ML-based systems. Ask your security vendor how they fortify their technology against aggressive AI; it is a good idea. Another good idea is red-teaming ML classifiers with automated technologies that produce fresh adversarial samples based on various generators and adjustable attacks.  

By providing this kind of knowledge to your employees, you can strengthen cybersecurity efforts and create a culture of vigilance. 

Read Whitepaper Toxic Data: Hidden Threat to Your Organization’s Performance

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